Friday, May 19, 2017

Today is The Day!

"Babe, I'm freezing cold!" I whispered as I scooted into bed beside my husband in an attempt to steal body heat and comfort myself.  I was shivering uncontrollably and I thought I must be cold.  He wrapped me up in a blanket and asked if everything was okay.  I told him yes and we slipped back into a light sleep before the alarm clocks started going off.
Still shivering, why was I still shivering?  I grabbed my phone and searched google for "labor symptoms" while my husband was getting ready for work.  Yep, shivering is one of them.  It couldn't be, not today, my c-section is scheduled for tomorrow!  All the thoughts racing through my head, most importantly, I had not packed a bag.  Typical of me to procrastinate, but seriously I still had one more day!  I looked up as Denver peered into the bedroom, "Caitlin call the doctor".  I looked down at my phone and glanced up again at him, "I have to drive 2 hours to work, so you need to call now!".  I dial the phone to reach the on-call doctor and explain my symptoms, sure enough I was in labor.  We scramble around the apartment grabbing random things that we may need and I rinse off in the shower without washing my hair (which is a big deal to me), and then we were off to the hospital.
We arrived shortly after I had started having contractions while riding in the car.  Both of us felt so unprepared, like we were going to puke at any moment.  We held it together as they showed us to our room and I started to get prepared to have my c-section.
Family members start arriving to say their last "good lucks" before we head back to the delivery room.  I was pumped with 2 bags of fluid, and hooked up to a million different machines monitoring everything you can imagine.  It was all happening so fast!  Meanwhile, I was having the most awful contractions and squeezing the life out of my poor husbands hand.  Before I knew it I was being wheeled down the hall, alone, to the operating room where they would begin to give me an epidural.  Alone, yes alone, I just wanted my husband or my mom or someone!  The head nurse grabbed my hands and told me not to worry.  She reminded me of my sweet Mema and all of the sudden I felt comforted, still scared, but I felt like I was in good hands.
The epidural hit me and I felt great!  For the first time in months I felt like I could actually breath!  No more pressure, no more pain, no more feeling anything.  Honestly, at that moment all I wanted to do was fall asleep, but I was about to become a mother.  In walks my husband, all scrubbed up, it was time!  The doctor comes in with just enough time to wash his hands and slap on some gloves, here it goes!
Five minutes later, (yes 5 minutes) out comes a beautiful little Native American bundle, Layla Marie or better known as Baby A.  Then precisely one minute later, an exact gorgeously perfect replica comes out, Annabelle Lee or Baby B.  We were so excited, happy, scared, overjoyed!  We were finally parents to not one, but two sweet little baby girls, and they were absolutely perfect!

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